<br /> <b>Warning</b>: Undefined variable $action in <b>/home3/hortivff/public_html/abstract.php</b> on line <b>205</b><br /> Journal of Applied Horticulture Selected Contents of Year

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Neji Tarchoun Salah Rezgui and Abdelaziz Mougou

Centre Regional des Recherches en Horticulture et Agriculture Biologique BP47- 4042 Sousse, Tunisia, Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie (INAT) 43, av. Charles Nicolle 1082 cite mahrajene Tunis- Tunisia


Key words: Abortion, bud and flower, hot pepper, low night temperature, sucrose synthase, acid invertase.
Abstract: Effects of low night temperature were investigated on two local hot pepper varieties ('Beldi' and 'Baklouti') grown at day/night temperature of either low night temperature regime (25?C/10?C) or optimum night temperature regime (25?C/20?C). The negative effect of low night temperature on floral structure differentiation was registered on both varieties. The deleterious effect was more sensitive on bud stage than on flower buds stage. Abortion of these structures was less important in 'Beldi' than in 'Baklouti'. Floral structure abortion induced by low night temperature was negatively and significantly correlated with soluble acid invertase activity on 'Beldi' (r=-0.82), while on 'Baklouti', both sucrose synthase and insoluble acid invertase activities were correlated with floral abortion (r=-0.78). Under low night temperatures, sucrose synthase and soluble acid invertase activities were reduced to 50%, while the insoluble acid invertase activity was reduced by more than 90%. Enzymatic activities and flowers abortion correlation show a differential response between these two parameters and the developmental stages of flowers.
S. Eyob

Horticulture Department, Awassa College of Agriculture, Hawassa University, P.O.Box 5, Awassa, Ethiopia.


Key words: Korarima, Aframomum corrorima, Mesketo, photon flux density, plastic shade, tree shade, growth regulation
Abstract: Korarima (Aframomum corrorima (Braun) P.C.M. Jansen), a slow growing and persistent under tree shade as an under-story perennial plant, is native to Ethiopia. When it is grown in full sunny condition, all plants die off a few weeks after planting, but the effect of different shading materials on its growth is not known. Half a year old korarima plants were planted under differently coloured plastic shades (red, green, blue and clear) and coffee (Coffea arabica L.) tree shade to regulate the growth. The coffee tree shade was used as control. Varying levels of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and red to far red (R/FR) ratio of light were recorded under different shaded and open conditions. The korarima plant responded differently to the different plastic and coffee tree shades. Average plant height, number of leaves per plant, number of sprouts per plant, chlorophyll content, leaf area, total fresh and dry weights were significantly different when recorded at different stages of growth, highest being recorded under the blue plastic cover. The minimum efficiency was achieved under control..
Renu Singh, Ram C. Yadav and Neelam R. Yadav

Department of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. 125004, India.


Key words: Auxins, axillary bud, benzylaminopurine (BAP), cytokinins, indole acetic acid (IAA), Carica papaya L., a-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), proliferation, silver nitrate (AgNO3)
Abstract: A study was carried out on mature female papaya (Carica papaya L.) plant of Selection 1 cultivar by using axillary bud as an explant and media supplementation with the main aim to assess the effect of growth regulators (auxins, cytokinins) and silver nitrate on in vitro regeneration of female papaya plant. Total of 28 media were used for shoot regeneration while for root regeneration total of eight media were tested supplemented with different growth hormones. Based on the results of this study, for shoot proliferation, MS basal medium supplemented with BAP (1.0 mg L-1) and BAP (2.0 mg L-1) + NAA (0.1 mg L-1) was found to give the best results while MS medium supplemented with IBA (2.0 mg L-1) gave best rooting percentage. Besides, auxins and cytokinins, effect of silver nitrate (AgNO3) on plant regeneration from axillary buds taken from mature female papaya plant was also carried out.
T Ban, H. Kitazawa, S. Matsumoto, N. Kobayashi, K. Tokumasa, M. Kobatake and T Asao

Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University, 2059 Kamihonjyo, Matsue, Shimane, 690-1102, Japan, United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tottori University, Koyama-cho Minami Tottori, Tottori, 680


Key words: Clinker ash, cutting, propagation, rabbiteye blueberry, rooting
Abstract: The recommendation for a propagation medium of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) in Japan includes the incorporation of peat moss and Kanumatsuti (a volcanic ash deposit). This experiment compared the use of coal ash (clinker ash) and Kanumatsuti to peat moss as soil conditioner for rooting rabbiteye blueberry cutting. The numbers of cuttings survived and the root dry weight of plants propagated in clinker ash- peat moss mixes were almost the same as cuttings propagated in kanumatsuti- peat moss mix. While the quadratic model between the root dry weight and the clinker ash content in the medium was significant, the maximum root dry weight was estimated to reach about 0.2 g when the proportion of clinker ash in the medium was about 40%. These findings indicate that clinker ash can be used in the propagation medium of rabbiteye blueberry.
Babak Dehghan, Kourosh Vahdati, Darab Hassani and Reza Rezaee

Department of Horticulture, College of Abouraihan, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, West Azerbaijan, Uromia, Iran, Department of Horticulture, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute (SPII), Karaj, Iran.


Key words: Callus formation, grafting techniques, graft survival, greenhouse, sawdust, walnut cultivars.
Abstract: The study was conducted to determine the effects of different grafting methods and scion cultivars on walnut grafting under controlled conditions in March 2006. Four walnut cultivars ('Z53', 'Hartley', 'Pedro' and 'Serr') were grafted using three bench grafting methods (side stub, omega and whip tongue) onto dormant two years old Persian walnut seedlings as rootstock. The plants after grafting were covered with moist sawdust with relative humidity of 85- 90% and stored in a humid room at 26-28 ?C for 21 days. Based on the results, the highest grafting success was observed with omega (84.33%) followed by side stub (41.89%) and whip tongue (24.31%) grafting, respectively. Significant variations were also observed in graft take and scion growth. The differences among walnut cultivars (scion) on grafting take and scion growth were not significant. However, the scions x grafting methods interaction was significant and 'Hartley' variety grafted by omega method showed the highest graft take (88.44%) among all combinations. A significant positive correlation (R2 = 0.84) was observed between the callus quality and graft takes in all grafting methods.
Zhiwen Li, Baoli Zhou, Yuwen Ding and Xiang Liu

College of Horticulture, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110161, China; College of Agriculture and Bioengineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China.


Key words: Eggplant, a-solanine, HPLC, extraction, ultrasonic wave
Abstract: A simple and effective high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for determination of a-solanine in eggplant fruits is described in our study. A new extraction method is established for extracting a-solanine in eggplant fruits. Single and orthogonal tests were designed to analyze the effect of different extraction methods and ultrasonic wave extraction condition on extraction of a-solanine in eggplant fruits. HPLC separation was achieved on a Waters Nova-pak C18 column with the mobile phase acetonitrile-0.05N potassium dihydrogen phosphate (55:45, V/V). The flow rate was 0.7mL min-1 and the UV absorbance was monitored at 202 nm. The optimal extraction method was ultrasonic wave extraction in 70% methanol for 60 minutes at 50oC, and with material to liquid ratio of 1:10. Under the optimal extraction conditions, the average content of a-solanine in skins and flesh of dried eggplant fruits was 0.107?0.006 and 0.626?0.004mg g-1, respectively. The average recovery efficiency was 97.97%.
M. Altaf Wani, G.R. Lawania, R.A. Bhat, Iffiat Fayaz, A. Nanda and Gazenfar Gani

Division of Plant Breeding and Genetics, SK University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Srinagar, India. Division of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Allahabad Agricultural Institute-Deemed University, Allahabad, India.Division of Floricult


Key words: Hypericum perforatum, hypercin, pseudohypercin, hyperforin, HPLC, saline stress
Abstract: Three different strains of Hypericum perforatum viz. HP-1, HP-2, and HP-3 were subjected to different levels of saline stress (0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0% with NaCl) and high pH regime (8.5, 9.0, 9.5 and 10.0 with NaOH). Gradual loss in callus growth was observed in all the three strains in response to both kinds of stress. However, high pH showed more drastic effect than saline stress. All the three strains showed higher content of pseudohypercin than hypercin. Change in hypercin production was negligible, however remarkable change was observed in pseudohypercin production in response to both kinds of stress. HP-2 strain produced higher content of hypercin than HP-1 and HP-3 strains under normal as well as under stressfull regime. Proteins were affected qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Maximum numbers of proteins were isolated from control cultures at the retention time of five minutes. Among the three strains maximum numbers of proteins were isolated from HP-3 strain. High pH reduced number of proteins to 12 and 3 while salinity increased number of proteins to 42 and 52 in HP-1 and HP-2, respectively due to accumulation of low molecular weight proteins in response to saline stress.
Carlos R. Bezic, Armando A. Dall Armellina, Omar A. Gajardo, Lucrecia M. Aviles and Silvia L. Canon

Weed Ecology and Control Research Group, CURZA-University of Comahue (8500) Viedma, Rio Negro province, Argentina.


Key words: Acroptilon repens, Allium cepa, plant competition, partial additive experiment, plant invasion, irrigated agriculture.
Abstract: Russian knapweed is an invasive creeping perennial herb which affects crops by competition and allelopathy. Herbicides available for use in onion are not able to control Russian knapweed in a crop context. Conversely, recommended products for Russian knapweed are not selective for the crop. The aims of this work were to study Russian knapweed biomass production and propagation for a range of increasing densities in an experimental onion culture and to characterize the productive response of onion plants under these conditions. A partial additive experiment was carried out to study Russian knapweed interference (variable density, 0-64 ramet m-2) on onion transplants (constant density, 40 pl m-2) under greenhouse conditions in Viedma, Argentina (40? 03' S; 62? 48' O). Although no differences among treatments were found for weed final aboveground biomass, low density treatments (0, 2 ramet m-2) were lower than 64 ramet m-2 for belowground biomass. Final weed density was proportional to initial conditions. For onion, total (-54%) and commercial bulb yield (- 56 %) were reduced by weed competition with > 32 ramet m-2. While size 3 bulbs (50-70 mm eq. diam.) were less represented at weed densities higher than 16 ramets m-2, size 4 ones (70-90 mm eq. diam.) were not present in this condition. For A. repens, traits such as the rate of vegetative propagation, high competitive ability, mainly belowground, and high propagule pressure support its high invasive potential.
M. Sciortino and G. Iapichino

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agroambientali, Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Via Fanin 44, 40127, Bologna, Italy. Dipartimento di Agronomia Ambientale e Territoriale, Sezione di Orticoltura e Floricoltura, Universita degli Studi di Palermo, Via


Key words: Brassica olearacea L. var. botrytis L., planting density, cultivars, quality
Abstract: New cultivars (F1 hybrids) of cauliflower (Brassica olearacea L. var. botrytis L.) were evaluated at four crop densities (1.3, 1.7, 2.2 or 3.3 plants m-2) for spring harvest crop in a Southern Mediterranean area (western coast of Sicily). The F1 hybrids ('White-Flash', 'Milky-Way' and 'White Excel') having white head, usually cultivated in Northern Italy and Europe in the autumn, were used. The aim was the introduction of new varieties which can fill the gap from mid May to mid July, now existing in the Sicilian cauliflower production, which is based on autochthonous ecotypes of green head varieties, e.g. 'Cavolfiore Verde di Palermo'. Crop density significantly influenced the growth and the phenology of the new hybrids. It was positively correlated to earliness, total marketable yield and inversely to unmarketable product percentage and head size. The best crop density was found to be 2.2 plants m-2. Among the cultivar tested 'White Flash' and 'Milky Way' appeared particularly suited for a spring harvest in the experimental environment. They gave high yields with a minimum discard and uniform heads of approximately 1 kg of weight each.
Funda Eryilmaz Acikgoz

Faculty of Agriculture, Namik Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey.


Key words: Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris sbsp. pekinensis), sowing times, development, efficiency
Abstract: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of different sowing times on development and efficiency of some Chinese cabbage varieties (Brassica campestris sbsp. pekinensis) under Corlu conditions. The study was conducted in Corlu County which has a tougher climate than its Province Tekirdag where a similar research had been done before. The research was conducted in 2000 and three different sowing times (15 August, 15 September and 15 October) and four domestic varieties (Tokat-2, Tokat-5, Tokat-29 and Tokat-89) were used. The variety, Tokat-89 and the sowing time of 15 September were found to be the most suitable variety and sowing time, respectively, The variety and time of sowing recorded superiority for head weight, level of hardness and head quality.
R. Jagadeeswaran, V. Murugappan and M. Govindaswamy

Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003.


Key words: Nutrient tablets, fertilizer placement, slow release fertilizers
Abstract: To evaluate the efficacy of slow release NPK fertilizers in turmeric, two field experiments were conducted on a sandy clay loam soil. These slow release NPK fertilizers are new products in the form of tablets, mixtures and coated formulations, which contains all the three major nutrients in them. Five slow release NPK fertilizer sources were tested in comparison with straight fertilizers at three NPK levels viz., 75, 100 and 125 % of recommended dose in a randomized block design. The results clearly indicated that the wet rhizome yield significantly increased with increasing levels of NPK and when applied in the form of tablets. The N, P and K uptake both in shoot as well as rhizome of turmeric increased significantly up to 125 % of NPK level applied. The uptake was significantly higher in plots which received tablet form of slow release fertilizers than other fertilizer sources.
Cyd Celeste Cagas, Miki Nakata, Mae Rose Sumugat and Nobuo Sugiyama

Graduated School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan.


Key words: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., plug tray, root restriction, temperature
Abstract: Seedlings of three tomato cultivars, 'Reika', 'Marryroad' and 'First Power' were grown in either pots or plug trays in order to clarify the interaction effect of cultivar and root container size on the number of days to flowering and the number of leaves preceding the first inflorescence under different temperature regimens. The number of days to flowering was greater in seedlings raised in plug trays than those in pots, regardless of temperature regimen. Flowering was delayed at 23/18?C compared with 30/25?C for seedlings raised in either pots or plug trays. The number of leaves preceding the first inflorescence was greater in seedlings raised in plug trays than those in pots, except for 'Marryroad' at 23/18?C. Regardless of root container size, the number of leaves preceding the first inflorescence was greater in 'First Power' than in 'Reika' and 'Marryroad' at 30/25?C. These results suggest the importance of cultivar choice for the production of tomato seedlings with a small number of leaves preceding the first inflorescence using plug trays in cool conditions.
Ryo Norikoshi, Hideo Imanishi and Kazuo Ichimura

National Institute of Floricultural Science, Fujimoto, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8519, Japan; Tokyo University of Agriculture, Funako, Atsugi, Kanagawa 243-0034, Japan.


Key words: Centrifugal filter device, extraction method, microwave heating, osmotic pressure, petal, rose, soluble carbohydrates.
Abstract: To establish a simple and rapid extraction method for soluble carbohydrate for determination of osmolar concentration in petals by HPLC analysis, a method using a centrifugal filter device with microwave heating was developed. Rose 'Sonia' petals were placed in a centrifugal filter device and heated in a microwave oven to boiling. The centrifugal filter device was centrifuged with the petals at 12,000 g for 10 min. The resulting leached solution was subjected to HPLC analysis. No significant difference in soluble carbohydrate composition was observed between the solution obtained from this method and that obtained from a conventional extraction method in which tissues are homogenized using hot ethanol solution. Changes in soluble carbohydrate concentration with flower opening in 'Rote Rose' roses were investigated using the new method. The osmolar concentrations of glucose and fructose in the petals increased during flower opening. This increase was roughly comparable to the increase in osmotic pressure in the petals. The results suggest that the method using the centrifugal filter device with microwave heating is a simple and rapid way to determine osmolar concentration of soluble carbohydrates of rose petals.
Kenji Beppu, Makito Iino and Ikuo Kataoka

Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University, Miki, Kagawa 761-0795, Japan.


Key words: Fruit set rate, ovule development, Prunus avium, soil cooling
Abstract: The effects of root zone cooling on flower development and fruit set of 'Satohnishiki' sweet cherry were studied. Soil temperature in pots of the tree was maintained at approximately 11?C from bud burst until petal fall, then at about 15?C until harvest by circulating cooled water through a tube coiling the pots. Root cooling did not appreciably affect flower size, pollen germination and pollen tube elongation in pistils. However, the treatment prolonged ovule longevity and markedly increased the fruit set rate. These results suggest the possibility of applying root cooling to improve the fruit set of sweet cherries grown in warm regions.
M. Melkamu, Tilahun Seyoum and Kebede Woldetsadik

Haramaya University, College of Agriculture, Department of Plant Science, P.O. Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, Haramaya University, College of Agriculture, Department of Food Science and Postharvest Technology, P.O. Box 131, Haramaya, Ethiopia


Key words: ComCat?, manure, NP fertilization, yield, quality
Abstract: Field experiment was conducted to study effects of preharvest treatment of ComCat? spray, organic manure, NP fertilization and the combinations of ComCat? with the two forms of fertilizers on yield and chemical quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Total and marketable yields were significantly influenced by the preharvest treatements. The result showed that the use of ComCat? and its combination with organic manure gave the highest total yield of 58.5 and 55.8 t ha-1, respectively. At harvest, 94 and 93% of tomatoes subjected to preharvest ComCat? and ComCat? plus organic manure treatment were marketable, respectively. The chemical quality parameters tested such as total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, reducing sugar and total sugar were significantly (P<0.01) affected by the preharvest treatments. The study clearly demonstrated the importance of integerated agro-technology in order to simultaneously improve the yield and quality of tomatoes.

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Journal of Applied Horticulture