Influence of rootstocks on fruit drop in Kinnow mandarin under dense planting.

R.R. Sharma, A.M. Goswami, S.K. Saxena and Anil Shukla

Division of Fruits and Horticultural Technology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India.


Key words: mandarins, rootstocks, citranges, high density planting, fruit drop, fruits, seasonal variation, rootstock scion relationships, thinning, fruit crops, subtropical fruits, citrus fruits
Abstract: The effect of rootstock (Troyer citrange, Karna Khatta [Citrus karna] and Sohsarkar) on fruit drop was investigated for mandarins grown in high density plantings in India. Plants on all 3 rootstocks showed 2 distinct waves of drop (a very heavy drop in April-May and severe preharvest drop in September-October). Plants on Troyer citrange showed the lowest fruit drop in April-May and the highest pre-harvest fruit drop compared with the other rootstocks. Overall fruit drop was highest in Sohsarkar (86.41%) and lowest in Troyer citrange (69.79%).

Journal of Applied Horticulture